Flaxseed Crackers

I’ve finally gotten around to making flaxseed crackers and they were so simple, I can’t believe I waited so long. I was inspired to try after eating Whitworth’s flaxseed crisps, which were the crispiest crackers I’ve had since going gluten free. 

I made a batch in my dehydrator and based the flax, chia, and water ratio on this recipe

Dehydrator flaxseed crackers

Using She Paused 4 Thought’s set up of 1C flax, 1C water, 3Tbs chia soaked for at least 20 minutes, I added: 1 tsp seasalt, smoked paprika, and nutritional yeast. I spread it on a dehydrator sheet, set the dehydrator to the ‘fruit’ setting, and flipped it  over after a few hours when the edges had dried and stuck up a bit. I then dehydrated it overnight and it was crispy.

Next time I make this, I will grind about 3/4 of the flaxseeds first and lime & chilli is my next flavour! 


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